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Individualized Nutrition Plans

Meal patterns are key to helping meet health performance goals.

Performance Nutrition For Sport

Whether you're a professional or amateur athlete, competing on a team, or as an individual, or, aiming for your personal best, what you fuel your body with directly impacts how you perform. Nutrition goals and requirements are not static. Athletes adapt their training schedule to prepare for achieving peak performance in targeted events by integrating different types of training cycles throughout the training calendar.

Nutrition specific to each individual’s sport needs to be periodized, taking into account the needs of daily training sessions (which can range from active recovery days focused on mobility to high intensity or skilled training sessions) and overall nutrition goals. A key goal in sports nutrition is to adapt the body to develop metabolic efficiency and flexibility while competition nutrition strategies focus on providing adequate substrate stores to meet the fuel demands of the sporting event and support cognitive function (mindset).

The Kempton's help athletes to achieve desired body composition associated with optimal performance. Focusing on optimizing health and maintaining long term performance is key in order to avoid decreasing metabolic rate, reducing energy output and enhancing psychological stress that often comes with taking a “dieting” approach to nutrition in sports.

Focus is placed on the timing of nutrient intake and nutritional support over the day in relation to athletic training rather than general daily targets. Highly trained athletes walk a fine line between training hard enough to achieve a maximal mental and physical training stimulus while trying to avoid illness, burnout, or injury risk associated with an excessive training volume.

The Kempton's sport nutrition plans at Optimal Life in Cochrane offer an unique expertise in which you will learn how to fuel your body for optimal performance while learning the tools to engage in healthy behavioural change needed to sustain your nutritional goals.

Healthy Weight Management

Weight management, including weight loss, from Cochrane's Optimal Life is led by Heather Kempton who helps people just like you identify realistic short and long term health goals and understand nutritional practices that can safely and effectively increase muscle mass and/or reduce body fat/weight. This is accomplished by integrating these strategies into an eating plan that achieves performance nutrition goals. It is essential in working with people that are struggling with obesity/weight issues or who are looking to cut weight for an upcoming sporting event that an individualized nutrition plan and training prescription for weight/fat loss is based on assessment of goals, present training and nutrition practices, past experiences and seeing how the body adapts to nutritional changes.

Heather works with people who are focused on achieving optimal health through understanding what behaviours and current health components have contributed to unwanted weight gain/loss, in empowering each individual to reclaim control over their daily choices around nutrition and physical exercise. Heather’s expertise in cognitive behavioural therapy allows Heather to work with each individual in identifying psychological, behavioural and emotional triggers to destructive eating patterns. With this, you will gain self-awareness on your patterns of behaviour that are contributing to unwanted weight gain/loss or health issues and be provided with tools to make long term, sustainable changes to your current behaviour so that you can obtain optimal health.

Optimal Life provides support and guidance for individuals struggling with mental health (eating disorders, anxiety, depression, OCD, ADD/ADHD), addiction (food, alcohol, drugs) or patterns of disordered eating, bringing clinical expertise to empower individuals to develop a growth mindset in combination with an optimized nutrition plan. When faced with mental health and/or addiction you will find receiving a nutrition plan without any guidance on how to implement it or understanding on how your current patterns of behaviour and mindset are contributing to unwanted weight issues or health concerns you are more likely to experience frustration and difficulty reaching long term goals.

As a performance coach, Heather Kempton from Optimal Life in Cochrane brings over 20 years of clinical counselling experience to empower individuals in making long term sustainable change to weight loss or weight gain, and other health issues.

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